In March 2021, Verit predicted 2020 to be the decade of ESOPs. We at Verit Advisors are seeing the momentum to employee ownership continue and see it become more mainstream and part of Main Street America. We are excited to share with you three recent examples of this momentum.

1. The CBS newsmagazine “60 Minutes” most recent episode featured the life changing impact for workers with KKRs’ strategy of broad based ownership. Learn how employee ownership is not only good for workers but business too.  Watch that episode here.

2.  The Aspen Insititute Ideas Forum on Employee Ownership sold out in April.  Mary Josephs had the opportunity to moderate a panel on “Innovative Strategies to Grow Employee Ownership. ESOPs are not one size fits all and that is why innovation continues in employee ownership. Watch that session here.

3.  Back in Chicago, on Main Street, Big Shoulders Fund hosted a well attended conversation at Kirkland and Ellis’ Chicago office on creative solutions to address wealth inequality for minority and low income Americans where we talked about the impact of ESOPs.

If that isn’t enough to demonstrate the power of employee ownership, here is a video of the new employee owners at Potter Tech learning about their journey on employee ownership. Those employees and their excitement are part of the employee ownership momentum we are seeing.

If you have any questions on employee ownership – no question is too small nor simple- give us a call- we would love to have a conversation with you.

Let’s Discuss – As always, our team is available to continue the conversation with additional context or to answer any questions. Please feel free to reach out.

Mary Josephs
John Solimine
Jake Cravens
Susan Hoesly